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  1. #1
    10+ Posting Member
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    Hello from Scotland

    After lurking around here for a few months, have finally decided to make my first post.

    I've been around the hobby for many years and have been accumulating parts, ideas and general junk, whilst awaiting that opportunity to move onto actually constructing something.

    I am currently stripping out a flightdeck of an EMB110 (OY-MUA) which was scrapped back in 1999. I've owned this since 2000, but with life and work placing various obstacles in my path, I have never really had the opportunity to progress the project, until now.

    As with many things in life, plans change. Whilst I originally hoped to convert the flightdeck into a sim, that is now not a possibility, primarily due to a recent house move and subsequent lack of space. The flightdeck is currently at my parent's house in my father's shed/workshop - he needs the space for his retirement project.

    Instead I am currently removing all the useable parts, and believe me there are many, to use in a single seat generic turboprop/RJ sim that I am currently designing, which will be constructed in a spare room in our flat.

    Below are a few pictures of the flightdeck of OY-MUA....

    First Pic was the condition the flightdeck was received in. Second pic shows the stripping process. Things have moved on slightly, with the capts control columns having been removed.
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  2. #2
    300+ Forum Addict David Rogers's Avatar
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    Welcome Darren!

    Glad to see a new member from bonnie Scoltland, just up the road!

    Great interesting first post. Such a shame that you can't build a sim from the EMB, it would have great possibilities but space limitations are hard to overcome. (I am limited by space myself - wait til you see how much space some of our American, Canadian and Ozzie friends here have!).

    I'm sure you'll still be able to build a fantastic sim from all the parts you are salvaging.

    Good luck and welcome!
    David R
    Durham, England

    1979 Mooney M20J Cockpit builder ......

  3. #3
    1000+ Poster - Fantastic Contributor AndyT's Avatar
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    Extra sweet! Its always a great score to get a real flight deck to build in. Do you have a yard or a small storage area you could build in and keep the flight deck? That would really be a shame to have to get rid of it.
    God's in command, I'm just the Pilot.

  4. #4
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    Welcome Darren
    Looks like you have a great start

  5. #5
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    Thumbs up

    Welcome aboard mate. Good to see anther Scots builder. Its a bit of a pain building in a flat but it can be done.
    My setup:
    pc 1: MSI K9NSli, onboard sound and lan, LC AMD 6400X2, 4096mb corsair 800ddr2, Pcie 7600GT with 32" lcd@1360x768
    pc 2:Asus mobo, onboard sound and lan, Athlon xp2800, 1.5gb pc4200, agp 4200Ti and 10.4" touchscreen lcd@1024x768
    pc 3:generic mobo, Athlon xp2400, 1gb 133 ram, agp Radeon 9200, pci Radeon 9250 with dual psone vga lcds @768x576
    Cougar, f16u, 7.1 sound, 4.1 sound, Trackir 4pro and vrf tfs seat pack.

  6. #6
    10+ Posting Member
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    Thanks for the welcome folks and its great to see that there are some 'locals' around.

    Yeah it is a shame that I don't have the space, but being able to design my own sim, gives me a great deal more flexibility.

    I think the biggest thing that will be missing will be that unique smell of a cockpit. Hopefully by using as many parts as possible, I might be able to retain some of that. Just adds a touch more realism.

  7. #7
    2000+ Poster - Never Leaves the Sim Michael Carter's Avatar
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    I'll have to see if I can find an air freshener called "New Cockpit", like the New Car smell that is available.

    But you're right. Boeing equipment has a unique odor about it. I don't know if it's from the components heating up, the wire insulation, or the paint that is used. Maybe a combination of all of it.

    The components I used to service in the Minuteman launch facilities all had this odor and it was all made by Boeing.
    Boeing Skunk Works
    Remember...140, 250, and REALLY FAST!

    We don't need no stinkin' ETOPS!

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