View Full Version : Aircraft switches to LDG mode after T/O

11-17-2015, 03:41 AM

I have a strange problem with the latest version of Jeehell. I (think I) set up everything correctly, correct dep rwy with a SID. On the FCU I can engage managed mode for speed, heading and altitude. I'm not sure wheter it is normal on ground, that when I press managed mode for heading (NAV mode) the dot appears but the numbers stay. Ecam T/O no blue, I start the T/O roll, rotate and I can see that as soon as the tires leave the ground, the FCU changes, all three dots disappear and the speed setting is overwritten with the actual speed. I can see that the plane changed to LDG mode, on the ecam it says "LDG INHIBIT" and the landing checklist appears. I can not engage AP, I get a red warning that AUTO FLT OFF and a constant AP off sound. I can also not change the unengaged AP to managed mode, nothing happens when I click the knobs.

What am I doing wrong? :-(

EDIT: I just found the FAQ point about it..let me check tonight and Ill report back.


11-17-2015, 09:59 AM
Ok I tried two more departures.

I made sure the INIT A, INIT B, PERF and F-PLAN pages are filled. I'm pretty sure I didn't miss anyhthing.
I can see that during take off roll t/o mode engages. A/THR lights up green, but as soon as the plane leaves the ground, I can not engage AP anymore. Same as above. I want to point out that I never saw the heading digits dashed! The dot appears besides it, but the numbers never disappear. And maybe, this also has to do with the fact the whenever I dont type anything into the scratchpad of the MCDU there appears "PRIMARY GPS" in white lettering (in the scratchpad).

I'm thankful for any help!

11-17-2015, 01:07 PM

You must make sure you get either MAN TOGA or MAN FLX in white in the first column of the FMQ, otherwise you are not sequencing into take off phase.

GPS primary is a good sign, it means IRS are aligned and the GPS is used as the primary navigation source. Pressing CLR on the MCDU will make it disappear for good.


11-18-2015, 08:00 AM
Somehow now everything works... I don't know what I changed... Thanks anyway!

One more question, but different topic... When I enter the ILS name either manually or by activating approach phase, the course field (below) either shows 001, 00-1 or is empty (depending on the ILS). And I cant change or delete the course value. The plane does not establish on the localizer, I suppose/hope thats the reason why. I also see the vertical raute on the PFD, no horizontal route. Name and distance of the ILS is displayed properly. Am I doing something wrong? I'm using the newest cycle 1512.

EDIT: I should be more precise: On some airports, the aircraft does capture the ILS but then turns to 000 degrees, while in zurich, with FSDT ZurichX it just flies past the localizer..First I need to solve the course issue though ;)
EDIT2: I noticed that the frequency is not quite correct. The numbers are right but insteat of 110.75 it says 1.1075. Is that usual? It does also only accept inputs in the format n.nnnn
EDIT3: Let me put that in a new post so other newbees can find that too..

11-19-2015, 01:00 PM
Ok so I did some more flights and can report more details. I'm now able to engage the AP, but there are still some strange problems.

Like always, I see the heading digits and the dot. I start with flex thrust. As soon as I leave the ground the heading dot disappears and the line is dashed. I can then engage the AP and switch heading to managed mode. Sometimes, the AP suddenly disengages and A/THR sets TOGA. I can only cancel this with disengaging A/THR, putting the thrust levers to idle, then to climb and then engage A/THR again.
Enroute the AP stayed on. But, once I changed to spot view and then it disengaged two times within 1min. I switched back to cockpit view and everything went smooth.
On the ILS it happened again. On the ILS the AP disengaged about 10 times until I took over ;). The time between the disconnects seems very random to me.
And important to note: I can engage the AP. It stays on for some time. It is not that I can't engage it.

11-19-2015, 05:14 PM
This sounds like you have too small error zones around your axis.
AP will disconnect if the sticks are seen moving by the software, which can happen with some USb joysticks with bad return to neutral zone.
Same issue with TOGA: error around detetns must be the right size : not too big (so as no to overlap with other detents) and not too small.

11-19-2015, 06:09 PM
well, I'm using the thrlvrs.dll for this,I suspected that these numbers dont change

11-19-2015, 06:15 PM
is it regular TOGA which is set, or do you actually get A.FLOOR protection?
Check you do have enough FPS as well in FSX/P3D (at least 25 FPS or more).

11-20-2015, 04:26 AM
It is a brand new PC for the Sim and a good machine for the jeehell panels and displays, everything runs very smooth, frames are no problem.
I never saw something about floor protection, but let me check..on the last flight no TOGA appeared..

What I forgot to mention; the ecam checklist switches to LDG after T/O

12-07-2015, 06:09 PM
I figured out why the AP disengages: Whenever there is a slight movement of the main joystick, AP disengages. It is enough that someone just walks by, the joystick shakes enough to disengage the AP. I sthis normal behaviour?

12-07-2015, 06:37 PM
yes this is a normal behavior. The real sticks have an electromagnet to block the sticks...
You can increase the neutral zone for the stick so it is less prone to detect a flas movement.

Stephan Schwarz
12-08-2015, 03:19 AM
Either you have a very bad joystick pot or your error zones are not correctly configured. I have set an error zone of 10% and it works fine for me with two Logitech Attack 3 joysticks.

Regarding your checklist problem, I sometimes see the same, then starting in TO/GA mode, but I cannot remember I have ever seen this in FLEX mode. Maybe you can try this?


12-08-2015, 05:42 AM
Thanks for your answers! I forgot to mention that I set the error zones around neutral to 10%, it is a logitech extreme 3D pro. I try to increase the neutral zones and see.