View Full Version : Sell back my license of Project Magenta

03-19-2010, 11:18 AM
Due to big financial problem, I'm asking If I can sell back my license of Project Magenta.
I don't know if it's possible and how I can do that...

Matt Olieman
03-19-2010, 11:38 AM
Write to support at ProjectMagenta and ask them. I don't think you can sell or pass on your software, but never hurts to ask.


03-19-2010, 11:48 AM
That's what I did one day ago, but no answer...

03-19-2010, 05:51 PM
Hi Slider,
Sorry to say , but I can`t give you any hope either .
This issue is coming up several times a year ,but they don`t give you your money back.

The only thing you can do is to sell the software with the HD its writen on.
But the problem will arise if the software has to be update or reinstalled due HD problems,
then your buyer will come to you again for uploading your key.

03-19-2010, 07:18 PM
I understand the technical aspect, but I don't understand why PM team can't allow it...
And I don't thing PM team will be OK if I share my license with someone else.

03-19-2010, 08:00 PM
It`s just a matter of sales ,
if they allow to recell the software , they can`t uphold the high pricetag.
Others will be searching for 2nd hand software at a much lower price, and therefore lose income.
On the other hand it will protect their software against piracy ,
because you have to apply for a key when reinstall after computer meltdown

03-20-2010, 01:39 AM
I just called Ford and asked if they would buy my car back. Its nearly brand new. They said no way.
I also called Gateway and asked if they would buy back my laptop. They said no way. I called Microsoft and asked if they would buy back Windows. They said no way. I asked Barnes and Noble if they would buy back Flight Sim for Dummies. They also said no way, but lady asked if I would perhaps like a copy of Marketplaces for Dummies.

03-20-2010, 03:04 AM
I buy a brand new car, and if I want to sell back to another person, I can do it.
I buy a classical software, and If I want to sell back to ebay, I can do it.

03-20-2010, 04:30 AM
I just called Ford and asked if they would buy my car back. Its nearly brand new. They said no way.
I also called Gateway and asked if they would buy back my laptop. They said no way. I called Microsoft and asked if they would buy back Windows. They said no way. I asked Barnes and Noble if they would buy back Flight Sim for Dummies. They also said no way, but lady asked if I would perhaps like a copy of Marketplaces for Dummies.

That I can understand , who wants to buy a ford anyway.:D
But i think you have bought a licence to use the software, not the software itself

Ray Proudfoot
03-20-2010, 08:38 AM

I sympathise with your situation but there's one big difference between selling a physical object like a car and selling software. You own the car but you don't own the software. When you give PM your money you're not buying the software. You're buying a licence to use the software. It's the licence that you cannot transfer to another person.

03-22-2010, 01:23 PM
As someone who has been involved in commercial software licensing in the past, there is often the belief that buying software gives you a physical product, usually it doesn't, it gives you the right to use the software under the terms of the licensing agreement (the small print that is rarely read).
I have been using PM software for a couple of years, I have often requested new registrations from PM as I have have moved the various software components around 5 or 6 different PCs in my setup. PM (Katy Pluta and others) have never questioned the request, showing an immense amount of trust and belief in their customers. This we reciprocate by abiding by their licensing conditions. It would be impossible to expect software to be returned for refund in this situation simply for the fact that it could lead to abuse, where people register their software on several machines, get it all working and then send it back for refunds.
The ability to download fully functional, time limited versions of the software before purchase and test it for real, precludes any arguments about the quality or functionality af the software. Unfortunately for Slider, I doubt that PM could reasonably be expected to refund in this situation
Mike Fuller

03-23-2010, 12:54 AM
PM clearly states up front that the license is non-transferable and non-refundable at the time of purchase. While I'm sure we all feel empathy for your current economic situation, you agreed to the terms and conditions of sale at the time of purchase, and as such, they are binding. I'd have identical terms laid out if I were the owners of PM. You agreed to buy it, and months later you want to "return" it and get your money back. That wouldn't fly in my world.

03-23-2010, 01:08 AM
That I can understand , who wants to buy a ford anyway.:D

LOL - GM & Boeings forever!!! hehe

03-23-2010, 04:48 AM
hello to all
i am in the need for PM as i have got cockpit sonics a320 fcu/efis and are thinking to stck with
cockpitsonic hardwere and they only work with pm i have tested the demo and i like it very much
but the sad thing is that you have to pay for all the packeg they dont let you get it in steps
ast softwere sells it in steps but for my luck dose not work with cockpit sonic:(:(:(:(:(:(:(
and i can not find any thing that will work so mainlly saving up;)

03-24-2010, 05:08 AM

Thanks for the time you spend to answer all my questions.
I finaly have some answer, and I know thant PM team don't allow to sell back the license.

I ask the question, and I finnaly have my answer.

03-24-2010, 10:50 AM
You could try to sell the harddisk its written on,
But I dont if it works,
Offcourse it is not allowed;-)