View Full Version : acrylic mirror size?

steve diamond
09-10-2006, 01:22 PM
hi guys,
can anyone give me any ideas on sizes of mirrors v thrown image ect,im limited on space and want to get an acrylic mirror to bounce the image off,but dont want to get to small a mirror,im going to use the double or triple matrox system but need to play with the front image first to work out how to do it,
i have about six to seven feet from projector to mirror and slightly less to the screen area,just a prelim shot before i play with the bathroom mirror to get an idea???!!!!! lol
cheers guys,

Bob Reed
09-19-2006, 03:01 PM
Hey Steve. Maybe Matt O could jump in here and give you a few pointers. He was playing with type of setup. Matt? :shock: